Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Will the Real: _____________ Please stand up!

"I am that I am" God revealed his name to Moses, at the burning bush.
He was able to get Moses attention and reveal his plan to him. Consequently Moses was sent to free Israel from the hand of the Egyptians.

However, when God revealed his plan to Moses, Moses had doubt that he could bring about the plan of God. Moses doubted his ability, he justified his feelings of insecurity based on what he thought was "obvious."

"Obviously God you must have the wrong person because I stammer when I talk."

Yet God was sure he had the right man for the job, our Creature knows his creation, better than the created being knows itself.

Which reminds me; "Whatever God has placed in your heart to do...Do it!"

Some spend their whole lives finding themselves and in the end find out they're just as confused about their identity than when they first began their search.

Stop defining yourself by others, they did not create you so they can't define you.

If you wan't to know about the intricate details of a particular watch, why not go to the Watchmaker, if you want to know about the vision of a company go to the one who started the company.

If you want to know your purpose and divine mission, go to the Creator, the one who put you on this earth on "borrowed time"

I must redeem the time I have wasted, searching for purpose without consulting the One, who knows my purpose.

Submit yourselves to the Creator and come into fellowship with Him, and through this intimacy he will reveal more of His will to you.

Is God getting your attention, have things transpired in your life to cause you to stop and wonder, why isn't that burning bush not consumed?

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Keeping Climbing...Even when it gets tough!

This is a quote from notable Mountaineer and Explorer,
Edward Whymper.

He wrote this quote at the end of his book called Scrambles Amongst the Alps in Years 1860-69...

“We who go mountain-scrambling have constantly set before us the superiority of fixed purpose or perseverance to brute force. We know that each height, each step, must be gained by patient, laborious toil, and that wishing cannot take the place of working; we know the benefits of mutual aid; that many a difficulty must be encountered, and many an obstacle must be grappled with or turned, but we know that where there’s a will there’s a way: and we come back to our daily occupations better fitted to fight the battle of life, and to overcome the impediments which obstruct our paths, strengthened and cheered by the recollection of past labours, and by the memories of victories gained in other fields.”
Edward Whymper 1800s

Just reading this quote, reminds me of reasons we go through some of the trials in our lives.
There's a saying "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger". Well some of the problems people are facing, they would gladly welcome death because they can't see the purpose in their suffering.

Inside we scream "Lord how much stronger do I need to get?" and yet Job in all his suffering testified about the revelation he recieved.

Job 42:5 "My ears had heard of you
but now my eyes have seen you."

Maybe our suffering will bring us closer to our creator? Could it be that just as Christ suffered we are not exempt from suffering?

As the 1800 Mountaineer proclaimed "We come back better fit..."

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Action Board - Strategic Movement in the right direction.

My wife has been trying to convince me to create a vision board. I have been putting it off and the truth is I don't know why... I realize I have quite a few dreams and goals in life and I haven't moved towards any one of them. Perhaps it's because I haven't created a vision board.

As I was sitting here contemplating what to put on my vision board, it dawned on me.
I have plenty of visions and dreams but what I lack is, action to bring about those dreams, so what I need is an "Action Board"; something that includes a realistic look at, how I am using my twenty-four hours a day. By taking a personal time auditing you can get a clear picture of what your day looks like, your gearing-up time, your working time and your winding-down time looks like.

Your day would start with your gearing-up time - What happens the moment that alarm clock starts ringing? If you're like me, your hand immediately goes to the "snooze button" at least 2 or 3 times before you actually rise.

By the time I actually get up, my whole morning is rushed! I use to pray and read my bible in the mornings, now I'm lucky if I get a thank you Jesus! out... What does this tell me?

My time is not properly managed, maybe because my values are misaligned.
I must realign my time with my values and properly manage this gearing-up time to
correspond with my "action board"

How I spend my morning can be better assessed through my time audit.

Your working time doesn't begin once you punch the clock as I use to think. It starts after you've gone through the routine of your gearing up time.

This is the time you mentally arrive on the job (at this juncture you have reevaluated your plan for the day) looking through your appointment book and prioritizing my workload for today.
It is also important that I set aside my "think time" a 15 minute meditation a "perspective enhancer" a scripture in proverbs to (selah) pause and think about.

I know that once I get to work I have 8 hours to move closer to my career goals or 8 hours to just "get the darn job done" most people will probably opt for just "getting the darn job done"
Well, this may be okay if there is no other purpose for you being there other than turning the wheels of capitalism.

Capitalism should work for you! shouldn't it? I should be seeing opportunities to increase my output by strategically planning my input.

We've all heard of the term go the extra-mile. Perhaps it's not best to go extra-miles if you don't have clue where you're going.

I must internally agree on my purpose for input as it corresponds with my desired outcome.
This internal agreement will further solidify my purpose for existing in that particular "frame of time."

As I audit this time-frame I may find that I have (although working) spent this time frivolously.
I could have been engaging in things that would have advanced my career goals, but since I had no "internal agreement" on my career goals, it stifles my outcome.

How I end my day has a huge impact on how I begin my day and becomes a hindrance to how I spend my day (thus the term, "waking up on the wrong side of the bed")
When I have stayed up half the night arguing with my wife, or worrying about my finances or anything else... chances are my morning gear-up time is affected and ineffective. There have been times I went to bed angry and woke up angry.

Maybe that's why the bible says don't let the sun go down on your wrath. Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up with a new mindset and clear conscience? Well, this is hard to do when we go to bed, disjointed and imbalanced with the "law of love and communion."

We desired to spend our winding-down time with a warm and refreshing, aah! and a sense of awe.

Our winding-down time, should be spent with gratitude of all the wonderful lessons that life has taught us. We should thank God for the many ways he protected us and guided us through out the day.

Then we should end on a positive note.

My wife is wise when she refuses to watch certain movies before she goes to bed. I usually did the opposite. I would watch scary movies or snack on potato chips or ice cream before laying my head down to end the night.

This has had a huge bearing on the state of mind I woke up in.

I need an action plan for the morning. Sense I am a night-owl, I am productive at night. This is the time for "creative thought and reflection for me" but this time must be set aside at a reasonable hour.

This creative time for me, is followed by my, winding-down time.

My winding-down time should end with a positive affirmation from the Word of God.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Kingdoms are built or destroyed by the spoken word. Even if you can't communicate verbally your words can still be heard by what you do. The tongue is a symbol of how we communicate it has been stated that the hardest thing to control is the tongue. A young child's spirit can either be crushed or built up by the words we say and the actions that follow those words. Doors can either be opened or shut by the words we use and the actions those words produce.

We search like explorers for the hidden treasures of life.
We assume it's in what we accumulate instead of what's inside.
If we would just pause and smell new life again.
We would find the treasure we've searched for is hidden within.

Stop saying you can't when you can dispite the trial or circumstance
what we say about ourselves will be the partners we choose to dance with.

If we dance with depression we dance to stumble
and each time we fall our hope and dreams crumble.

If we dance with joy out of simple things in life
then our hope becomes bigger and success becomes the prize.

Thursday, February 17, 2005


"To travel hopefully is better then to arrive and the true success is to labour."
( El Dorado )
There is fun in getting to where you want to be.
We should have a positive outlook on the road we travel
even when the trail gets a little bit rough.

Hope deferred does make the heart grow weak, so just because there are set backs believe there will be a comeback.

"Let's journey out of hopelessness and into hopefullness.
Let's not settle for less than what we desire but reach for the fullness of all life has to offer."
Jaymes Allyn 2005

Thursday, February 10, 2005


Have you ever wondered why it's so hard to open up that business?

What current mindset do I have that will hinder my chances for success?

What current belief system do I have that keeps me from reaching my full potential?

What new skills must I learn that will improve my chances of reaching my goals?

What would I do if all my worries and concerns where taken care of?

"Come to the place where visions become reality"